MAC Team Article on Atlantic Cities
Yesterday Atlantic Cities ran an article on a local San Francisco artist who made a mural using the paint dots the MAC Team uses during our inspections.
“The SFMAC dots are one of those little pieces of infra
structural forensic evidence which helps one feel at home in a city,” Foster wrote on his blog.
We are proud to be mentioned on the Atlantic Cities website and inspired by Foster’s art project. We hope that it inspires people to take notice of the City’s effort to curb mosquito borne diseases in San Francisco to keep all of our fellow residents healthy.
As Reuters reported yesterday “A total of 1,590 cases of West Nile virus, including 66 deaths, were reported through late August this year in the United States,” San Francisco has not had a Human West Nile Case since 2010, and the MAC Team is proud of the work we do to keep it that way. Remember if you see one of us out and about, feel free to say hello and we can tell you more about the work we do.
The SF MAC Team is powered by SF Water and Pestec Integrated Pest Management.